Getting out in the garden improves your wellbeing and physical health! Gardening goes beyond merely beautifying your home: A 2017 research analysis of multiple studies from around the world published in the Preventive Medicine Reports shows a wide trend of gardening health benefit that range from reduced depression and anxiety, weight loss, increased satisfaction and well-being, as well as a sense of community.
Roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty to enjoy the following benefits of gardening:
- Vitamin D – Being outside and in the sun is crucial for our body to produce enough Vitamin D. It is one of the chief vitamins in our body that allows our body to absorb calcium and maintain healthy, strong bones! In fact, a 2009 study in the US shows a positive correlation of stronger bone density.
- Weight Loss – Gardening and landscaping is a moderate physical activity and burns calories at a higher rate than going on a walk the same amount of time. In a study done by the American Journal of Public Health, men and women who were involved in community gardening had lower BMI’s (body mass indexes) than those not involved.
- Decreased Dementia Risk – According to a 2006 study on lifestyle factors and risks of dementia, gardening “could lower the risk of dementia by 36 %
- Improved Mood, Less Stress – A study from the Netherlands showed signs of lowered stress. After completing stressful tasks, subjects who gardened rather than read inside reported better moods and showed lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol.
- Well Being – Being in contact with nature is shown to boost the mood and relax the mind. It is also shown to provide a sense of community, as community gardening provides opportunities for social interaction.
While these are all great benefits that can come from gardening, be aware of potential risks to your spinal health! Bending over and manual labor puts stress on the spine. Gardening with proper posture and alignment to protect the nervous system, improving your body’s physical strength, and maintain a strong core through exercise will allow you to garden longer with less risk of injury. Ask you ASC doctor for care and tips to enjoy the benefits of gardening without putting your back and body at risk. We will help you with using proper ergonomics for lifting, bending over, kneeling, and other functional movements while tending to your garden and your plants.
It is always important to maintain your correct alignment and spinal health through seasonal checkups with your NUCCA doctor. At the Alpha Spine Center, we help others continue to enjoy the hobbies through gentle and precise upper cervical care. Do you know anyone who has not been able to do the hobby they love to do because of back pain, neck pain, neuropathy, headaches, or any other ailment? Have a consult with one of our doctors of chiropractic today!
Yours In Better Health,
The Alpha Spine Center Team
Dr. Bryan Salminen, DC
Dr. Andrew Salminen, DC