A-P Open Mouth

A-P Open Mouth

  1. After the Nasium x-ray is taken select an A-P Open Mouth study, release the patient from the head phones and instruct them to sit up nice and tall.
  2. Have the patient close their eyes and open their mouth as wide as they can.
  3. Feel for occipital ridge & then palpate down to C2 spinous. Make a note of where it is on the neck.
  4. Using the string: Line up the camera to point through the center of the open mouth & C2 spinous.
  5. Turn of cameras light and angle the tube so the crossharis point at the center of the mouth & C2 spinous.
  6. Check the C2 spinous with your finger so the light hits your finger at the level of C2 spinous.
  7. Move buckey so that center is at the level of the horizontal crosshairs.
  8. Collimate 1” lateral to skull & 1” above the skull.
  9. All factors will be the same as a Nasium.

