Cervical Obliques

Cervical Oblique Film:

Timestamp: 16:05 – 17:59

  1. Continued in the Lateral Cervical Position
  2. Have patient “sit up nice and tall” gently press at sternum and mid back and wait for patient to straighten up so that patient has their ear over their shoulder and shoulder over their hip (perfect posture).
  3. Have patient close their eyes and tell them that you are going to move them around.
  4. Manuver at a 45 degree angle, aligning the chair with the blue tape on the bottom for accuracy.
  5. Left oblique- Manuver patient at a 45 degree angle with their left shoulder touching the buckey( Make sure left marker is on buckey)
  6. Right oblique- Manuver patient at a 45 degree angle with their right shoulder touching the buckey( Make sure right marker is on buckey)
  7. Make sure the central ray light is at the atlas level. Between the edge of the jaw and mastoid bone.
  8. No headphones or filter are required for obliques film.

