Two methods: One for single charge claim reprints and one for entire billed date claim reprints
If patient is marked for electronic billing, claims will automatically go to export file unless otherwise specified as in the Paper Re-Print below
Entire Billed Date Claim Reprint: Front Desk -> Patient Mgmt -> Insurance -> Claim History -> Charges Billed but not Paid -> Select Services/DOS (check in box) -> Export -> Choose Yes to Export now or No to Export with next billing cycle
To print a paper claim, follow the exact same protocol as above but instead of Export, Choose Re-Print -> select the CMS 1500 form -> Choose yes to print
Single Charge Claim Reprint: Front Desk ->Patient Mgmt -> Insurance -> Claim History -> Charges Billed But not Paid -> Select Services/DOS (check in box) -> Clear -> Yes -> Close Insurance Tab and open Ledger Tab -> Print -> Claim Form -> Choose Insurance Co for Patient -> OK -> Select Charge to Re-bill -> OK -> Yes to print now OR No to print with next billing cycle
Forcing/Reprinting Claims Under a Different Insurance Company
This will happen if a Patient’s Care is denied by an Insurance Company (such as in an Auto Accident) or billed out under the wrong Insurance Company (such as when it was not changed properly in the system)
All claims can be resubmitted under another Insurance Company by doing the following: Front Desk -> Patient Management -> Ledger -> Print -> Claim Form -> Select Ins Co to Bill -> OK -> Select DOS to bill (click Select to choose all) ->Yes to send now OR No to send with next batch printed
If the patient is marked for Electronic Billing, the claims will not print, but will be sent in the next Electronic Billing Cycle to Gateway EDI.