Rt Marker & Status (Pre, I, II, III, IV) on Buckey
Make Studies in Opal-Rad (Flexion/Extension & Oblique films go into CERVICAL OTHER study)
Lateral Cervical
Timestamp: 8:55 – 15:32
Set up patient in Opal-Rad and have ready to acquire. (see Opal Rad Setup Section)
Set Factors, MA, KVP, and Time for image type. Reference the X-ray Factor Sheet.
Start Buckey at 0 degrees
Start Camera at 0 degrees
Patient Instructions: Remind patient to “Sit up nice and tall.” Gently press at sternum and mid back and wait for patient to straighten up.
Have patient close their eyes (check that patient is still upright) and tell them you are going to move them around.
Place the patient on their Vertical Axis by lightly moving them in all directions using your hands. Also, try applying slight pressure at the Thoracic-Lumbar junction to help sit patient up on Vertical Axis. (Most upright position)
Look at the patient for:
Rotation – take it out using the chair.
Head Tilt – note which direction and correct the tube accordingly.
Level hard palate, below cheek bone.
Move the patient towards the buckey until their shoulder barely touches.
Use the 42” line (string) on the X-ray frame to place tube proper distance from the buckey.
Move Central Ray (CR) light to the level of Atlas. Between the edge of the jaw and mastoid bone.
Move the Buckey so the Lateral Cervical Center mark is at the CR (crosshairs) light. (1” above center of film)
Move Headphones in place: Center of forehead and slightly inferior to the crown of skull.
Move the Chair so the patient’s skull is centered with the headphones.
Check for Rotation one more time.
Tighten the headphones so the patient can’t move.
Collimate 1” from the tip of the nose horizontally and to top of the hairline/skull.
Put the Lateral Cervical Filter in.
Take the picture
Review film before taking patient out of the head phones or position.
Double check for Accuracy: If jaw rami is greater than 2mm for Rotation or Lateral Flexion. Retake the film after correcting the error.