“IML” Intermastoid Line
This tool is used to mark the most inferior portion of the mastoid process.
“ACL” Atlas Check Line Tool:
This tool is used to mark the most superior aspect of the posterior arch of atlas.
“APL” Atlas Plane Line Tool:
This tool is used to mark the most inferior aspect of the posterior arch of atlas.
“C” Condyle Tool:
This tool is used to represent the left and right condicular surface.
“Ct” Condile Circles Template:
This tool is used to double check the condular measurement taken in the steps prior.
“A” Axial Tool:
This tool is used to represent the most C2 articular surface.
“At” Axial Circles Template:
This tool is used to double check the axial surface measurement taken in the steps prior.
“AR” Angular Rotation Tool:
This tool is used to represent the most C2 articular surface.
“CSL” Central Skull Line
This tool is used to represent the center of the skull.